Thursday, February 8, at 7PM in the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 1st INTERNATIONAL TRIENNIAL OF GRAPHIC ARTS LIVNO



We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition of 1st International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno and solo exhibition by Dževad Hozo. Join us on Thursday, February 8, at 7PM in the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zelenih beretki 8.

The International Triennial of Graphic Arts is continuation of the nurture of the phenomenon of Bosnian-Herzegovinian graphic art and the opportunity to include it more actively into European and world art events.

In the exhibition 1st International Triennial of Graphic Arts in Livno participated 109 authors from 33 countries. The exhibition in Sarajevo will present works of 76 artists who donated their works to the Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica Livno for the International Graphic Arts Collection: Briana Palmer, Maria Bonomi, Robert Koch, Mark Bovey, Cristina Santander, Sharon Lindenfeld, Maja S. Franković, Safet Zec, Carrie Ann Plank, Laura Widmer, Heinrich Heuer, Karen Kunc, Alberto Balletti, Tony Scherman, Dušan Kállay, Kamila Štanclová, Stephanie Russ, Seiko Tachibana, Emi Ninoseki, Lars Nyberg, Stanislav Marijanović, Kristina Restović, Pablo Flaiszman, Petar Waldegg, Igor Rakčević, Charlotte Hjorth-Rohde, Bo Halbirk, Halfdan Halbirk, Kuutti Lavonen, Dimitrije Popović, Ismet Hadžić, Matti Hintikka, Nathalie Grall, Sylivie Abelanet, Ourania Fragkoulidou, Catherine Keun, Vicky Tsalamata, Xenophon Sachinis, Nevenka Arbanas, Marko Živković, Sylvie Karier, Igor Konjušak, Karina Sladović, Oleksandra Averbaku, Anna Sadowska, Vladimir Gažović, Milan Stašević, Branka Grizelj, Rudolf Ackerman, Ana Feiner Žalac, Črtomir Frelih, Janko Orač, Zdenka Pozaić, Antonija Gudelj, Avdo  Žiga, Darko Dugandžić, Gorica Miletić-Omčikus, Igor Dragičević, Lea Jerlagić, Marina Finci, Milan Krajnović, Renata Papišta, Zoran Banović, Halil Tikveša, Stoimen Stoilov, Anne Desmet, Anjali Aggarwal, Sanjay Kumar, Tae Kyu Jeong, Eum Hayoung, Anong Migwans  Beam, Jure Kokeza, Hamo Čavrk, Igor Čabraja, Tian Haowen i Bert Menco.


Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na otvaranje izložbe Međunarodnog trijenala grafike Livno i samostalne izložbe Dževada Hoze. Pridružite nam se u četvrtak, 8. februara, u 19.00 u Umjetničkoj galeriji Bosne i Hercegovine, Zelenih beretki 8.

The 1st International Triennial of Graphics Livno will feature at the Art Gallery of BiH from 8.2. – 16.3. 2018.  It is a continuation of the successful cooperation of the Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica-Livno and the Art Gallery of BH in order to promote and popularize the new graphic arts scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is an important step forward in the context of contemporary graphic and visual scenes.
The exhibition will present the works of 76 artists who donated their works to FMGG-Livno for the International Graphic Collection.
The accompanying program is the the exhibition of Dževad Hozo, the eminent Bosnian-Herzegovinian graphic artist.