Works selected to biennial and triennials international and other exhibitions 2014/16

Dog’s life, 2016 etching and color ink-jet, cm.25×20
1st TKO International Miniprint Exhibition, 2016, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Japan
junk Slump, 2016 etching and color ink-jet, diptych cm. 70×100
International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2016 ROC, National Taiwan Museum Arts 
Collection National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 2016
She daydream, 2016 etching and color ink-jet, cm.25×20
1′ Biennale Internationale de l’estampe de Dreux, France
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dog’s life (a + b), 2016 etching and color ink-jet, diptych cm. 10×10
2′ Bienal Internacional de Miniprint 2016, Laguna Pavia,  Santa Fe, Argentina
two leather socks, 2016 etching and color ink-jet, diptych cm. 30,5×30,5
5th FootPrint International Competition 2016, Center for Contemporary Printmaking – Norwalk, CT – USA / Project Space by Julio Valdez Studio, New York, USA
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Dog’s life (a + b), 2016 etching, diptych cm. 20×20
Relation in Print #2, a Side Event of 2nd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale (JIMB) 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dog’s life (5.1)(5.2)(5.3) etching, cm.50×35
4th International Juried Print Exhibition, New Grounds Print Workshop & Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Dog’s life, 2015 etching and color ink-jet, theree papers cm. 70×50
Mirror Face To Face, 2016, Italia – Macedonia, NI Institute and Museum Bitola (Macedonia) – Biblioteca Internazionale “La Vigna”, Vicenza – Excartiera di Vas, Belluno, curated by Valeria Bertesina and Vlado Goreski
4th International Latgale Graphic Symposium / Starptautiskais Latgales grafikas simpozijs 2015, Daugavpils, Latvia International Mark Rothko ResidenceWorkshopsand Exhibition, Museo Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia
junk Cuffs, 2015 etching and color ink-jet, diptych cm. 70×100
Impresa Visione, Centro di cultura La Medusa, Este (PD), a cura di Alberto Balletti
junk Split
junk Split, 2015 etching and color ink-jet, diptych cm. 70×100
Vivarium, 2016, Magazzino del Sale 3 – Department of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice in collaboration with University Ca’ Foscari Venice
Impresa Visione, Centro di cultura La Medusa, Este (PD), a cura di Alberto Balletti
5. International Printmaking Competition İstanbul Exhibition, CKM Sanat Galerisi, Istanbul, by Richard Noyce – Equal Second Award
NeoDogi (Luigi Brugnaro), 2016 etching and color ink-jet, cm. 60×50
NeoDogi, 2016, Oratorio di San Ludovico, Venezia – curated by Alberto Balletti and Vittorio Urbani director of Nuova Icona
Mercy, 2015 etching and color ink-jet, cm. 70×50
Artisti sulla via del Giubileo, Galleria Bibliotheca Angelica, Roma curated by Gerardo de Simone and Mario Tomasello
5. International Printmaking Competition İstanbul Exhibition, CKM Sanat Galerisi, Istanbul, by Richard Noyce
Dog’s life, 2015 etching, cm. 21×21
Triennale d’estampe contemporaine 21 x 21, galleria El Catascopio, Barcellona, Espana
junk Split, 2015 etching, diptych cm. 70×100

2016 Edinboro National Printmaking Competition, Bruce Gallery of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, USA

Atlanta Print Biennial 2015, international juried exhibition, juried by prof. Art Werger, cured by Atlanta Printmakers Studio, Atlanta – USA


Armored- 2015 etching, diptych cm. 100×140

Tribuna Graphic 2017, Art Museum Cluj-Napoca, Romania

biancoNero, collettiva di grafica d’arte dell’Accademia Belle Arti di Venezia, Atelier 3+10, Mestre-Venezia, curated by Saverio Simi de Burgis

Atlanta Print Biennial 2015, international juried exhibition, juried by prof. Art Werger, cured by Atlanta Printmakers Studio, Atlanta – USA

VIII L’arte e il Torchio / Art and the Printing Press e International Print Triennial – 2015

18th International Print Biennial Varna 2015, Bulgaria

Australian Print Triennial – BMW Mildura 2015 – Victoria, Australia

work in the Collection Varna City Art Gallery, Bulgaria

work in the Intenational Graphic Collection of the Civic Collection Museum “Ala Ponzone” of Cremona

work in the Collection Art Museum Cluj-Napoca, Romania

junk Wet
junk Wet, 2015 etching, diptych cm. 70×100

International Print Triennial Krakow – Falun, Dalarnas Museum, Falun, Sweden

TransitionStrong Water 2016, Jurmala City Museum, Riga, Latvia


junk Cuffs 2015 etching, diptych cm. 70×100

VIII L’arte e il Torchio / Art and the Printing Press e International Print Triennial – 2015, Cremona

International Print Triennial Krakow – Falun, Dalarnas Museum, Falun, Sweden 2016

work in the Intenational Graphic Collection of the Civic Collection Museum “Ala Ponzone” of Cremona


junk Fly 2015 etching, diptych cm. 60×100

MTG2015 International Print Triennial – Kraków 2015

work in the Collection International Print Triennial Society in Kraków (SMTG)


junk Bones 2015 etching, diptych cm. 70×100

MTG2015 International Print Triennial – Kraków 2015

VIII L’arte e il Torchio / Art and the Printing Press e International Print Triennial – 2015, Cremona

work in the Collection International Print Triennial Society in Kraków (SMTG)

work in the Intenational Graphic Collection of the Civic Collection Museum “Ala Ponzone” of Cremona


junk Minds 2014 etching, diptych cm. 60×100
The 5th Guanlan International Print Biennial – Shenzhen – China 2015
work in the Collection China Print Art Museum – Guanlan International Print Biennial 
Leather socks 2013 etching, diptych cm. 60×100
7th International Print Art Triennial – Sofia – Bulgaria 2014
Graphics Review, 3­rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Romania 2015 
presente all’esposizione “20 anni della Triennale Internazionale di Grafica d’Arte- Sofia”, a selection of the collection introduced to Academia Gallery at National Academy of Art Sofia

works in the Collection of International Print Art Triennial – Sofia

works in the Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland 2014


Skin thin 2011 etching, aquatint and sugar manner, diptych cm. 75×120

7th International Print Art Triennial – Sofia – Bulgaria 2014

works in the Collection of International Print Art Triennial – Sofia

work in the Collection China Print Art Museum


Reverso 2011 etching, aquatint and sugar manner, cm. 50×70

7th International Print Art Triennial – Sofia – Bulgaria 2014

works in the Collection of International Print Art Triennial – Sofia

work in the Collection China Print Art Museum


Bad in double 2013 etching, cm. 20×30

progetto Ferme ta boîte – Gallerie d’Art du Parc – Biennale Internazionale di Incisione Contemporanea di Trois- Rivières – Canada 2015

work in the Collection of Gallerie d’Art du Parc – Biennale Internazionale di Incisione Contemporanea di Trois- Rivières


junk Selfie 2014 etching, diptych cm. 70×100
Graphics Review, 3­rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland – Romania 2015
The 4th Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition  – Thailand 2015
work in the Collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 2014
 works in the Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland 2014
junk Guys 2013 etching, diptych cm. 70×100
2nd International Printmaking Triennial in Belgrade – Serbia 2014
International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2014 ROC, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts – Taichung – Taiwan  
Exhibition of Donated Works of Belgrade World Triennial of Graphics, The Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić, Novi Sad, Serbia, curated by Suzana Vučković, Biljana Vuković and Philipp Maurer
Exhibition of Donated Works of Belgrade World Triennial of Graphics, City Museum Vrsac, Serbia, curated by Suzana Vučković, Biljana Vuković and Philipp Maurer
work in the Collection of Printmaking Triennial of Belgrade
work in the Collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts