il 5th International Latgale Graphic Symposium al Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre



5th International Latgale Graphic Symposium October 17-28, 2016, Daugavpils

Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre and the Art Teachers’ Union invite artists to participate in the 5th International Latgale Graphic Symposium organized in the framework of Rothko Centre’s Residence Program.

The Graphic Symposium is meeting, discussion and creative work within the cultural space of Latgale, which unites similarly and differently thinking and working graphic artists from Latvia and abroad.

Aim of the symposium: To create unique contemporary graphic artworks, developing an international communication platform in the field of graphic art.

Place and time of the symposium: Daugavpils, Latvia, October 17-28, 2016

Participants of the symposium: 11 professional artists will take part in the symposium. The selection of participants will be competition-based, taking into consideration the submitted materials (application form, CV, and visual information which satisfies the below mentioned requirements).

Selection committee of the symposium participants:
Māris Čačka – artist, symposium curator, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre
Valentīns Petjko – artist, art theorist, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre
Ieva Nagliņa – artist, president of CHAMBER OF GRAPHIC ART
Nele Zirnīte – artist, president of Etching Guild
Alberto Balletti – artist, professor (Italy)
Vaidotas Janulis – artist, professor (Lithuania)
Milos Djordjevic – artist (Serbia)
Organizers provide:
Covering of the residence expenses in Daugavpils (catering, accommodation);
Studios (several artists may work in one studio);
Basic materials and tools for work;
Publicity opportunities (possibilities to present artists’ creative works; information in mass media; a symposium catalogue);
Recreation, tours around the city and surroundings, visits of art and culture institutions of Daugavpils);
Final symposium exhibition (opening on October 28, 2016).
Artists provide:
Covering of the travel expenses to Daugavpils and back;
Specific materials and tools for work;
Donation of at least two artwork created during the symposium to Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.
Application procedure:
Applications have to be submitted electronically to e-mail till March 7, 2016
Application includes:
Presentation materials on artistic activity: portfolio (at least 7 images of artworks created during previous 3 years). Other informative materials in electronic format can be attached (catalogues, postcards etc.)
Assessment procedure:
The symposium organizers will consider applications and send invitations to the 5th International Latgale Graphic Symposium till March 15, 2016.
Applications submitted after March 7, 2016 will not be assessed.
Confirmation of participation:
The invited participants confirm their participation within 5 days after receiving the invitation, but no later than March 20, 2016
Contact person: Māris Čačka
articolo di Alberto Balletti e Marina Guarneri