works 2017/19 WORKS 2018/19 By Alberto Balletti - 20 Maggio 2019 0 1491 Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp Works 2018/19 Hiccup, 2019, etching and ink-jet, diptych cm.70×100 Ration, 2019 etching and ink-jet, 2 paper cm.100×70) Tillage, 2019, drypoint and ink-jet, diptych cm. 65×90 Tillage 2018 etching and ink-jet, diptych cm.100×70 Water Tickle 2018 etching and ink-jet, diptych cm.70×100 over Think 2018 etching and ink-jet, diptych cm.100×70 over Think (a) 2018 etching and ink-jet, diptych cm. 35×100 over Think (b)2018 etching and ink-jet, diptych cm. 35×100 over Mind 2018 etching and ink-jet, diptych cm 21×21