Thomas Wray working in Venezia for 7 months


Dall’anno scorso abbiamo incontrato e frequentato spesso Thomas Wray a Venezia, durante la sua permanenza in città. Il suo lavoro ci è piaciuto da subito e nei mesi siamo entrati nella sua storia: una visione del contemporaneo che stralcia brani da oggetti e lascia tracce di corpi. Una presenza fatta di trasparenze, riflessi e cenere. Il luogo dove appare il segno di Wray è aperto alla condivisione. E anche quando evapora rimane “a rich dark residue”

pubblichiamo alcune sue riflessioni e immagini di lavori.

My name is Thomas Wray I am a 25-year-old artist currently based in Manchester UK, My work aims to explore the relationship between materials, their cultural history and the current political climate.

Last year I lived in Venezia for 7 months, and I try to return as often as I can. Like many people who have lived in Venezia I have a deep love for the city, the art it holds as well as the wine and the food.

I spent many hours when living in the city studying the great Italian Masters such as Tiziano as other artists like Brancusi, which are held in the Guggenheim Gallery.

 When living in Venezia I spent a long time studying the canals and the power the reflection holds within them. This has inspired such works of mine as Aqua Alta 2015, calling on the rich history and the materials (glass and red-wine) and their symbolic meanings as well as the power held within the reflection.

 And I can happily say I don’t need a map to find my way around Venezia.

Thomas  Wray

DSC00519Hole 2015
DSC00649 bianco 2015DSC00764Acqua Alta 2015 (13 glass vessels filled with red wine)
DSC00631Shrouds 2015 (One to one prints of the artist body in ash)
articolo di Alberto Balletti e Marina Guarneri