Alberto Balletti was born in Treviso (Italy) in 1968. He is graduates at the National Artistic High School in Treviso in 1986. Later in 1996, he gets his degree at the Art Institute in Guidizzolo (Mantova) in the Decoration section. In addition, he has two masters, one in Painting from the Brera Fine Arts Academy (Milano) in 1990 and one in Visual Arts Project and Production (CLASAV) from The Architecture Academic Institute in Venezia (IUAV) in 2003. 

Since 1990, he is etcher, photographer and movie maker describing himself as an …. amphibian artist. He shares his life and work between the Lake of Garda and Milano. Since 1996, Alberto Balletti teaches etching in the Fine Arts Academies of Roma, Sassari, Napoli, Catania, Foggia, Venezia. In 2007, he gets tenure and becomes professor at the Venezia Academy where he teaches both Calcography Etching Techniques and Art Book Publishing classes. From 2016 teach Experimental Chalcographic Techniques in the School of Graphic Art – Department of Visual Arts of Academy of Fine Arts of Brera (Milano).

Between 1992 and 2004, young period of photo-digital research, he exhibits as a duo known as Balletti&Mercandilli (Alberto Balletti and Mauro Mercandelli). In the nineties, the pair will collaborate with major research of contemporary art galleries in Italy, among them Il Ponte Contemporanea in Roma, Fossati & The Box in Torino and Neon in Bologna. In particular, he is part of the «XII Quadriennal National Art of Roma, Italy 1950-1990» in 1996. 

Extremely active since the early 90s, Alberto Balletti has been represented in many collective exhibitions related to etching and digilal print, in Italy and abroad. Part of his works belong to important offcial collections in Italy but also international (go to exhibitions)




Conference NO, NEON, NO CRY, Neon 1981-2011, by Giulio Ciavoiello, Elena Bordignon, Emi Ligabue, Eleonora Mariani, Gino Gianuizzi – FORUM900 – Museo Novecento, Milano

INTERCHANGEABLE IMAGE Theoretical/Practical Workshop 2022-2023 – Project by Professors Alberto Balletti, Danilo Ferrero, Chiara Giorgetti, Academy of Fine Arts of Brera – Department of Visual Arts, Biennium School of Graphic Arts
INTERCHANGEABLE IMAGE – exhibition of works created by students during workshop: ExChiesa of San Carpoforo – Brera, Milano + ExPescheria Comune di Este (PD), La Medusa Centro di Cultura + National Academy of Art, Sofia


Conference NO, NEON, NO CRY, Neon 1981-2011, by Gino Gianuizzi and Eleonora Mariani, MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna

X National Scientific Conference with International Participation: Balkan Art Forum 2022 (BARTF 2022, organized by Faculty of Arts of the University of Niš, in cooperation with the Branch of SASA (Serbian Arts and Science Academy), Niš – Serbia

Conference “The boundaries of engraving” with Alberto Balletti and Alessia De Bortoli C/O 9th Biennial of Contemporary Engravers – Villa Priuli, Castello di Godego, Treviso, Italy


Scientific Symposium on graphic art: Perspective of Traditional Graphic Practice in Contemporary Graphic Identity – Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica-Livno – Triennial of Graphic Arts of Livno – November 4 2021 

Alberto Balletti – OPT artist talk, Okanagan Print Triennial – Vernon Public Art Gallery, Canada


Guanlan Forum “international art education”, Shenzhen, China Printmaking Museum – International Cultural Industry Fair, China


Grafička radionica Sićevo 2019, Sicevo Colonia curated by Galerija SLU Nis, Serbia


Idee Vincenti, open innovation of Lottomatica, the project startup “Authclick” win six months of incubator to Polihub, Politecnico Milano.


Art Colony “Studenica 2017”, Studenica Monastery, organized by City of Kraljevo, Serbia


Scientific Committee and Invitations Committee IX Rassegna Internazionale di Incisione Cremona 2017


StartCupLombardia 2017: selected team whit startup “Authclick” to Acceleration days, PoliHub Milano


Dolomiti Digital Camp, Progetto Borca  with H-FARM and Dolomiti Contemporanee to Villaggio ENI of Borca di Cadore, by Giuseppe Vigolo


Artist in residence “4th International Latgale Graphic Symposium”, Museo Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia


Foundation webzine “Venezia Art Magazine”, by Alberto Balletti and Marina Guarneri


One month Erasmus teaching class of Etching to the Facultad de Belles Artes – University Complutense of Madrid, (Dibujo y Grabado chair of Profesora Carmen Garrido), Spain


Scientific Committee and Invitations Committee First International Student Biennial Drawing Sofia, National Academy of Art of Sofia, Bulgaria


Artist in residence for three months in Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, Shenzhen, China


Visiting Professor to the opening “85th Academic Year Vietnam University of fine Art” and to the opening “Vietnam Triennial 2006-2010”  Decennial Exposition of Vietnam University of Fine Art and of Vietnam Museum of Fine Art


Workshop Italia-U.S. International Exchange: workshop directed by master artists Mark Dion and William Kentridge, organized by Atlantic Center for the Art (Florida), promoted by Darden Celebration of Cultures and Civitella Ranieri Foundation, Comune di Umbertide (PG)


Member of International Graphics Competitions Juries


Scientific Committee and Invitations Committee 9th Biennial of Contemporary Engravers – Villa Priuli, Castello di Godego, Treviso, Italy


Jury for the competition Constantine the Great (section Graphica) by Faculty of Arts in Niš, Serbia

Jury Commission International Latgale Graphic Symposium – Museum Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Latvia


Jury for the competition Constantine the Great (section Graphica) by Faculty of Arts in Niš, Serbia

Jury Commission International Latgale Graphic Symposium – Museum Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Latvia


Scientific Committee and Invitations Committee VIII L’arte e il Torchio / Art and the Printing Press

Jury Commission Second National Competition of Graphic Art for Young Artists – Sofia City Art Gallery – Галерия Средец, in collaboration with Grafikart Gallery

Jury Commission International Latgale Graphic Symposium – Museum Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Latvia


Jury Commission First Biennale of Litography of Beograd, Serbia

Jury Commission International Latgale Graphic Symposium – Museum Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Latvia


President of the Jury for awards triennial – 3rd International Printmaking Triennial of Beograd

Scientific Committee and Invitations Committee VIII L’arte e il Torchio / Art and the Printing Press

Jury in the contest Rising Arts – Alle sorgenti dell’arte progetto ZOLFO winning of the call “Culturalmente” Fondazione Cariparo, Padova

Jury Commission International Latgale Graphic Symposium – Museum Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Latvia


Jury Commission International Latgale Graphic Symposium – Museum Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Latvia

2015 Scientific Committee and Invitations Committee VIII L’arte e il Torchio / Art and the Printing Press


Jury Commission 98ma Collettiva Giovani Artisti of Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia

Jury Commission Second International Student Biennial Drawing Sofia, National Academy of Art of Sofia


Jury Comision XI International Graphic Art Biennial Dry Point, Uzice (Serbia)

Scientific Committee and Invitations Committee VI Biennale Nazionale di Incisione G.Polanschi  of Cavaion Veronese (Verona-Italy)



 Collection Tirane Art Gallery, Albania 2022

Collection China Print Art Museum, Shenzhen – 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

Collection Biennale of Contemporary Engravers in Castello di Godego, Treviso – Italy 2022

Collection of the National Museum in Kielce, Poland 2021

Collection Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières, Canada 2021 

Muzeul de Artă Ploiești, Romania 2021

Collection Arkansas State University’s Bradbury Art Museum (BAM), USA 2020

Collection Jogja International Miniprint Biennale, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2020 

Collection Faculty of Art U.N.C., Cordoba, Argentina 2020

Museo Artemio Alisio de Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos, Argentina 2020

Collection Mini Print International of Cadaqués 2020

Collection of China Printmaking Museum – Guanlan, Shenzen 2019

Collection International Graphic Biennal, Civic Gallery of Uzice, Serbia 2013 – 2019 – 2021 – 2023

Collection Douro International Printmaking Biennial, Portugal 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020

Collection of the Civic Museum “Ala Ponzone”, Cremona 2007-2011-2015-2017- 2019

CollectionKazanlak Art Gallery, Bulgaria 2019

Collection Mini Print Internacional Cantabria, Santander, France 2019

Galerija Savremene Likovne Umetnosti Niš, Serbia 2019

Collection of the Bashkir State Nesterov Art Museum, Una, Russia 2019

Graphium Etching Biennial Timisoara, Romania 2019

Collection National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 2014 – 2016 – 2018

Collection Graphics Review, Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania 2014 – 2016 – 2018

Centro Civico Cascina Casale, Comune di Cassina de’ Pecchi, Milano 2018

Macao Printmaking Triennial, Cultural Affairs Bureau, China 2018

Club for UNESCO Vicenza 2017

Collection Art Museum Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2017

Fondos de la Sala aLfaRa, Oviedo, Espana 2017

Zayed University Permanent Collection, Dubai 2017

Associations of Estonian Printmakers, Tallinn, Estonia 2017

Studenica Monastery, Kraljevo, Serbia 2017

Gallery Association of Fine and Applied Artists Kraljevo, Serbia 2017

Collection Jogja Miniprint Museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2016

Collection NI Institute and Museum Bitola, Macedonia 2016

Collection CKM Caddebostan Cultural Center, Istanbul 2016

Tokyo University of the Arts Collection, Japan 2016 – 2024

Collezione Biblioteca Internazionale “La Vigna”, Vicenza 2016

Collection China Print Art Museum – Guanlan International Print Biennial 2015

Collection Bangkok Triennale International Print 2015, Thailand

Collection Biennale Internazionale d’estampe Contemporanea de Trois- Rivières – project Immaginario 2015

Collection Museum Daugavpils Marko Rothko Art Centre, Latvia 2015

Collection International Print Triennial Krakow 2015

Union of Bulgarian Artist Collection, Triennial of Graphic Art Sofia 2010 – 2014

Collection of Belgrade World Triennial of Graphics – ULUS, Serbia 2014

Gabinete de Grabados Facultad Bellas Artes, Univerisidad Complutense Madrid 2013

Collection Brita Prinz Arte – obra grafica contemporanea

Collection of Guanlan Printmaking Base (China) 2012

Collection of International Print of Tianjin Binhai New Area (China) 2011

Raccolta Museale di Grafica d’Arte Bartholomeo Zane De Portesio 2010

Collection Slesian Musium of Katowice, Poland 2010

Collection National Museum in Krakow, Poland

Gabinetto Stampe Antiche e Moderne del Comune di Bagnacavallo Museo Civico delle Cappuccine 2008

Raccolta d’Arte Contemporanea del Piccolo Formato, Comune di Faeto

Fondo Incisioni Associazione Incisori Siciliani (PA)

Pinacoteca Comune di Montagnareale (ME)

Raccolta delle Stampe Moderne della Cittadella dell’Oasi di Troina (EN)

Collezione Permanente arte contemporanea Museo giovani artisti, Castello di Aci 2003

Collection Spazio Neon, Bologna 1996


From 2004 to 2010 he curated the annual exhibition De Portesio, a selection of students and professors from Fine Arts Academies, Fondazione Cominelli, San Felice d/B. (Brescia)

De Portesio 2004

Città irreale, Città ideale – De Portesio 2005

Corpo Urbano – De Portesio 2006

Corpo/Reo – De Portesio 2007– Graphic art and ShortVideo Convention

Corpo/Reo – De Portesio 2008 – Graphic art and ShortVideo Convention

De Portesio 2009 – collective exhibition

De Portesio 2010


EXHIBITIONS curated by Alberto Balletti: works by students and professors of Graphic Art from Fine Arts Academies


Loading Set up inside 9th edition Biennale of Contemporary Engravers in Castello di Godego, Treviso – Italy – 9a Biennale di Incisori Contemporanei – Sguardo sull’Incisione


Obiettivo Immagine 30×20, PACTA dei Teatri Salone, Milano


Paper against Cement, Galerija ŠTAB – Beograd, by Alberto Balletti and Marco Trentin – side event of the 3rd International Printmaking Triennial of Beograd, with the patronage of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan


Impresa Visione, Centro di cultura La Medusa, Este (PD), by Alberto Balletti

Vivarium, Magazzino del Sale 3 – Department of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice and University Ca’ Foscari Venice, by  A. Balletti, S. Mancini, E. Molena, G. Turria and M. Zocchetta 

NeoDogi, Oratorio di San Ludovico, Venezia, by  Alberto Balletti and Vittorio Urbani director of Nuova Icona


Art Night Venezia –  Oniric Printmaker, Academy of Fine Art of Venice, by A. Balletti, J. Abis, M. Trentin,  D. Pistacchio

biancoNero, Collettiva di grafica d’arte  dell’Accademia Belle Arti di Venezia, Atelier 3+10, Mestre-Venezia, by Saverio Simi de Burgis


Corpo IN/Formazione– International Graphics Exhibition – Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, National Academy of Art of Sofia, Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp – Belgium and Faculty of Fine Arts, University Complutense – Madrid, Spain), by Alberto Balletti and Vasil Kolev (November 2013: Academia Gallery to National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria – March 2014: Magazzino 3 to Academy of Fine Art of Venice – December 2014: Wintergarden of Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerpen

Art Night Venezia – Oniric Printmaker, Academy of Fine Art of Venice, by A. Balletti, J. Abis, M. Trentin,  


Corpo EX/Posto, International Exhibition of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Art of Venice, National Academy of Art Sofia, Bulgaria (by Alberto Balletti and Vasil Kolev)


VideoArt Production


2014 –  Street painting, color, dur. min. 2,05″

2012 –  Pedestrian, color dur. min. 1,45″

2006 –  Neon Weepy, looping set up (n.9 monitor), color

2003/06 – Pestare t’erra, color, dur. min 40,00″

2004 –  Save Your Wilt Spirit, color, dur. min. 9,30″

2004 –  Neon Dryweeps Brake, color, dur. min. 11,00″

2003 –  Unground Stop, color, dur.min. 4,40″

2002 –  Border Line Trip, color, dur. min. 8,40″

2002 – Mangiami, color, dur. min.3,00″

2002 – Stupro, color, dur. min.3,00″

2002 –  Videazione, color, dur. min. 3,40″

2000 –  Galleria Circus (six acts of foreplay), CD Rom interactive

1997 –  La cura di Ester, color, dur. min.4,00″

1995 –  Il lavoro di Meri, b/n, dur. min.3,30″

1995 – Walter, color, dur. min.18,20″

1995 –  La ditta di Frenci, b/n, dur. min.4,30″

1994 –  Intervista ad un cecchino, b/n, dur. min.11,45″

1994 – Suburbi, b/n, dur. min.20,15″

1992 –  Sexual Frigidaire, b/n, dur. min.15,30″



“Quando le Accademie scelgono le arti” Electa , Napoli 1993

“Nuova Scena”, Giorgio Mondadori, Milano 1995, by Luca Beatrice, Cristiana Perrella, Guido Costa

“Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna Italiana” n.32, Giorgio Mondadori, Milano, 1996, by Francesco Gallo, Paolo Levi, Francesco Poli, Marisa Vescovo

“XII Quadriennale di Roma: Ultime Generazioni, De Luca, Roma 1996

“Archivio 97” (cd_rom), Comune di Milano, by Consorzio Promozione Ricerca Artistica (galleria Care of – gallalleria Viafarini)

“Artenergie”, Carta, Milano 1997

“Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna Italiana” n.34, Giorgio Mondadori, Milano, 1998, by Francesco Gallo, Paolo Levi, Francesco Poli, Marisa Vescovo

“Nuova Arte Italiana”, Castelvecchi, Roma 1998, by Luca Beatrice e Cristiana Perrella

“Se son rose fioriranno”, Electa, Milano 1998, by Antonio Arevalo e Julian Zugazagoitia

“L’arte del XX secolo nelle collezioni private vicentine”, Marsilio, Venezia 1998, by Luca Massimo Barbero

Numero due – periodico Palazzo Papesse 1999 – Dario Trento: Metri, strumenti e istruzioni: Balletti&Mercandelli

“Alta definizione – la generazione dell’immagine”, Castelvecchiarte, Roma 1999, by Ludovico Pratesi

“Arte Estrema”, Castelvecchi, Roma 1999, by Giuseppe Savoca

“Dieci posti ” catalogo Galleria  The Box & Associati, Torino 1999, by Teresa Macrì,Tommaso Ottonieri, Gianni Vattimo

“Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna Italiana” n.35, Giorgio Mondadori, Milano, 1999, by Francesco Gallo, Paolo Levi, Francesco Poli, Marisa Vescovo

“Fototensioni”, Castelvecchi, Roma 1999, by Augusto Pieroni

“Roma Contemporanea 1996 – 1999”, Bonsignori Ed., Roma 1999, by Maria Rita Boni, Anna Maria Di Stefano e Vitina Portoghese

“Italia 2000 – Arte e sistema dell’Arte”, G.Prearo Ed., Milano 2000

“Artevideo -Storie e culture del video d’artista in italia”, Silvana Ed., Milano 2002, by Maria Rosa Sossai

“Dizionario della Giovane Arte Italiana”, G.Politi Ed., Milano 2003, by Gianfranco Politi e Luca Beatrice

“A^ Arte per l’arte”, Marta Massaioli Ed., Roma 2003, by Angelo Capasso

“Celebrate – the bridges of art”, Skirà Ed., Roma 2003, by Achille Bonito Oliva

“La Quadriennale”, Marsilio Ed., Venezia 2004, by Claudia Salaris

“Enciclopedia dell’Arte Zanichelli”, Zanichelli Ed., Bologna 2004, by Edigeo

“Dagli anni ’80 in poi”, Artshow Edizioni-Juliet Editrice, Milano 2005, by Giulio Ciavoliello

“Artisti: solitari – uno sguardo dal ponte sul terzo millennio”, Silvana Ed., Roma 2008, by Achille Bonito Oliva.

“Città ideale – Città irreale”, Massetti Rodella Ed., Brescia, by Marcello Riccioni e A.Balletti

Annuari degli incisori 2006/07/08/09″, allegato Grafica d’arte – Edi.Artes, Milano 2006

“Corpo urbano”, Ed. Comune S.Felice d/B., (BS) 2006, curated by A.Balletti

“Itinerarte”, 2007, San Martino Buon Albergo (VR), by Andrea Masotto

“Corpo/Reo”, Ed. Comune di S. Felice d/B. (BS) 2007 by A.Balletti

L’arte e il Torchio, A.D.A.F.A, Cremona 2007, by Vladimiro Elvieri

Repertorio degli incisori Italiani – 5a edizione, Edit Faenza, Bagnacavallo 2008

“Corpo/Reo”, Ed. Comune di S. Felice d/B. (BS) 2008, by A.Balletti

“IN/Carne: nuovo emporio della corporeità residua”, by Alberto Balletti e Mattia Serra, introduction by Edoardo Di Mauro

“Corpo EX/Posto”, Ed. Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, 2010, by A.Balletti e Vasil Kolev

VI Biennale Nazionale di Incisione “Giuseppe Polanschi” 2013, by Carlotta Giardini – Comitato scientifico A.Balletti, Giancarla Frare

Corpo IN/Formazione, 2013 Edition of National Academy of Art of Sofia and Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, by A.Balletti and Vasil Kolev

UM:DRUCK, No. 26, Oktober 2014, Zeitschrift für Druckgraphik und visuelle Kultur, Wien article by Philipp Maurer

Corpo IN/Formazione – Ed. Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia 2014, by A.Balletti e Vasil Kolev

La Gazzetta di Venezia – NeoDogi & Nuova Icona Venezia, by A.Balletti

Impresa Visione, Centro di cultura La Medusa, by A.Balletti

Accademie Patrimoni di Belle Arti – Gangemi ed.- MIUR-AFAM by Giovanna Cassese 2013

Chinese Printmaking Review 2020, Shenzen

Guanlan Forum 2020 “international art education”, Shenzhen, China Printmaking Museum – International Cultural Industry Fair, China

catalog Okanagan Print Triennial 2021, Vernon Public Art Gallery – Canada

NO, NEON, NO CRY, Neon 1981-2011, a cura di Gino Gianuizzi e Eleonora Mariani, MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna


“Resistere”, periodic publication by Balletti&Mercandelli:

n.1 – “Resistere”, gall.Neon, Bologna 1995

n.2 – in “La pressione di due generazioni” Studio Ercolani, Bologna 1995

n.3 – in “4×2”, gall. Caterina Fossati, Torino 1996

n.4 – “Chiudi i tuoi occhi”, gall.Il ponte Contemporanea, Roma 1997

n.5 – in “Blu”, C/O Cineplex, Genova 1998

n.6 – “Le Leggi della Sovranità”, gall.Il Ponte Contemporanea, Roma 1998

“Ipercorpi”, in ” Società di pensieri” n.4, Ed.Riflessi, Bologna , 1993

“Difendere lo spazio”, in “Virus” n.4, Milano, 1995

“Right of Sanctuary”, in “Compartments”, Edition Globe, Coopenhagen, 1996
